Archive | April 2015

It’s A New Year – 2015!!

I know it’s been a long time since I have posted. My one month off turned into the rest of 2014 off! Oh well…Nothing like a “New Year” to get back into blogging with a “New Post!” I know at the end of my “last” post I had teased about my next post being about submission, but I just couldn’t get my mind wrapped around that subject, so it will be one I will have to come back to some other time.

On Friday, January 2, 2015, my husband, son and I went to the Brookfield Zoo. Yes, it was cool, but I had a layer of fleece cuddle-duds under my jeans and the heaviest sweater I own (which was my mother’s who passed away in April 2001). I wore 2 pairs of socks, a crochet headband (hand-made), and my winter coat!

Me at the Brookfield Zoo, Brookfield, IL

Me at the Brookfield Zoo, Brookfield, IL

We are a family who really enjoy going to zoos and seeing the vast array of God’s creation in the animal kingdom! My husband, David, likes to look at zoos as the closest we can come to how things must have been like in the garden of Eden. All the animals together in peace and harmony with man. Of course, the difference is that the animals in the garden were not behind fences, cages or other kinds of enclosures! We get to see animals roam in habitats that they are naturally able to roam in in the wild. It is so amazing how different types of animals can be in the same enclosures and with no problems! We saw one display that had two different birds and echidnas! One of the little birds was so beautiful! It had about five different beautiful, vibrant colors on it’s little body! Unfortunately, I couldn’t get a good picture of it and all its colors!

January was fairly mild as midwest winters go, but February came in with a vengeance. We got it all…snow and cold. In one month I was ready for the end of winter! It finally did subside some come March, but I was so busy getting ready for a Ladies Day event at our church in which I was the song leader. Our theme was Let Your Light Shine and our guest speaker was Jocelyn Farber from Florida. She travelled up from Florida during her Spring break and my family and I got ready the day after our Ladies event to fly down to Florida for our Spring break!

We had a wonderful time in the “Happiest place on earth,” Disney World! Almost 20 years ago my husband, David, and I spent our honeymoon there which was my first time at Disney World. This time we had our almost 15 year old son, Josiah, with us and he had a great time!


I had to see Mickey while we were there, so…here’s proof!

Well…all this brings us up to April, 2015. I really had intended to have monthly posts to this blog, but life happened and I need more discipline to write with purpose and consistency, so I’m giving it another try. I don’t promise to post monthly, but I do still believe in living a eusebeian (godly or holy) life. This post is my way of apologizing for not being faithful to my blog and to you who have been waiting for posts from me. I will be posting again soon!